Saturday, July 5, 2008

My little Picasso

I love my little buddy, but Shawn has become a challenge for me. I guess I always knew that boys are different from girls for all the obvious reasons; anatomy, etc. But Shawn is a handful! Abby was a very cautious baby/toddler which I was thankful for, Shawn on the other hand is into and on top of everything. Literally. He climbs the bathroom counters to get into my makeup, he gets on the kitchen table, and now he how found his inner artist. I'm glad that he is artistic, I think it's a great talent, just not when it's on my walls....or fridge, or TV, or door. But hey, maybe Picasso's mom had the same problem?


Jackie said...

Megan- he is so cute!!! I love your blog, I love seeing what is happening in everyones lives that you just don't really get to talk about:) Abby is quite the little hunter;) She will always remeber those fun outings with daddy!!!

The Seaman Family said...

I am so glad that you started a blog! Our little boys are growing up way to fast and they like to make trouble!